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[音乐分享] 【★】Truly Madly Deeply每天一首英文歌

发表于 2012-5-23 18:45:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-23 18:45:48 | 显示全部楼层
Truly Madly Deeply

Sacage Garden

I'll be your dream,
I'll be your wish,
I'll be your fantasy   
I'll be your hope,
I'll be your love,
be everything that you need   
I love you more with every breath
Truly madly deeply do..   
I will be strong,
I will be faithful
'Cos I'm counting on a new beginning
A reason for living,a deeper meaning
I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever,until the sky falls down on me
And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky
I'll make a wish send it to heaven
Then make you want to cry the tears of joy
For all the pleasure and the certainty
That we're surrounded by the comfort   
And protection of the highest power  
In lonely hours,the tears devour you
Oh can't you see it baby
You don't have to close your eyes  
'Cos it's standing right before you   
All that you need will surely come...

1998年4月,野人花园(Savage Garden)是一组已经解散的澳大利亚双人音乐团体,由主唱戴伦·海斯(Darren Hayes)和吉他手兼键盘手丹尼尔·琼斯(Daniel Jones)组成。1993年澳大利亚布里斯本的Red Edge乐团征求主唱,当时任幼儿教育老师的戴伦·海斯在报上看到了征人启事,便去应征。他与吉他手丹尼尔·琼斯一拍即合,加入了Red Edge担任主唱。《Truly Madly Deeply》连续5周成为Billboard hot100中点播率最高的歌曲,并统治了Billboard成*河*人*蟹*音乐榜达11周之久。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-23 18:48:12 | 显示全部楼层


来咯来咯~~~  发表于 2012-5-24 14:17
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发表于 2012-5-24 00:39:08 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-24 06:02:59 | 显示全部楼层
offensive 发表于 2012-5-24 00:39

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发表于 2012-5-24 12:09:39 | 显示全部楼层
silreat 发表于 2012-5-24 06:02

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-5-24 22:00:41 | 显示全部楼层
silreat 发表于 2012-5-23 18:48
@mukti @地质商城 @点墨灬繁星 @Jesse__S @-配_角, @小葱拌豆腐 @舞者M`D @convans @所有人

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